1. Tick all that describes your current/most recent/upcoming holiday itinerary:
2. Was there a single most unforgettable experience from your trip? It doesn't have to be major; sometimes the most memorable experiences are the small, simple things.
3. What areas or counties did you visit?
4. Where did you stay? Tick all that applies:
5. Did you have any overall guidebooks (Lonely Planet, Insight Guides, etc)? Which ones?
6. Did you have (or purchase) any specific books? (e.g. local history, holy wells, pub guides etc.)
7. What approximate percentage of time did you spend on: Major arterial roads Minor roads Lanes Non-motorised travel
8. Would you travel on small, single-lane roads to visit sites of interest? Yes, definatly Possibly, for some of the time No
9. Was your aim to hit the major tourist attractions (e.g. Bunratty Castle, Giant's Causeway), or explore the out of the way places?
Major Attractions Major attractions and out of the way places Out of the way places
10. Did you see any of the lesser-known historical features of Ireland? (e.g. holy wells, ringforts, standing stones, tombs)
Yes - lots Only a few None
11. Are you interested in the local history of where you visit?
Yes No
12. Did you take an organised tour or were you an independent traveller? If you were part of a tour, skip to next section.
Took a tour Independent traveller
13. Did you have access to a vehicle?
Passenger car SUV/4x4 Motorbike Bicycle
14. Did you plan an itinerary beforehand, or go where the road led?
Planned an itineary Went were the road led
Section 2: For overseas visitors
If you normally live in Ireland, skip to section 3 .
1. How many times--including your current trip-- have you visited Ireland?
2. How long were you away from your home?
3. How long did you spend in Ireland?
4. What other countries did you visit while you were away?
5. Would you like to return to Ireland, or are you more likely to try a new destination? Return to Ireland Try a new destination If new destination, where?
6. Did Ireland live up to your preconceptions and expectations? Exceeded expectations Met expectations Did not meet expectations
If not why not?
7. Do you plan on visiting Ireland in the future? Next 3 months Next 6 months Next 12 months Sometime Never
8. If you previously have visited Ireland, will you: Return to places you previously visited Visit new areas Take a more in-depth look at the country, i.e. delve past the well-known attractions
3: The Other Stuff
1. Would you be interested in a guidebook for self-guided tours that lead you to the quieter roads, features, towns and villages of Ireland? Yes No
If not, why not?
2. Have you seen such a book? Yes No
3. Anything else you'd like to tell us? Comments? Suggestions?
4. Where do you normally live? (state/county and country)
5. If you normally live in Ireland, do you holiday in Ireland or overseas?
Prefer Ireland Prefer overseas Both
If overseas, where?
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